
Riot Games announced their new upcoming games

A lot of cool new game projects are now in development!


Riot Games is working on a fighting game

A few years ago, Riot Games acquired Radiant Entertainment.


Teamfight Tactics is out today

It should become available in every region by the end of the week.


League of Legends is banned in Syria and Iran

Iranian gamers were met by an unexpected message when trying to log into League of Legends client.


Teamfight Tactics climbs to Twitch top in just a day

Number one spot was taken in just under an hour.


Riot Games is developing their own Auto-Chess mode

It's called Teamfight Tactics and should be released on June 25th.


League of Legends champion Mordekaiser is getting a rework

New abilities seem to be more in line with the overall theme of the champion.

Free to play

League of Legends is coming to mobile

Riot Games might need more ways to monetize the game.


Yuumi, the Magical Cat is the new League of Legends champion

Riot has confirmed that Yummi is a support type of character.


Get hyped for the new League of Legends ranked season!

Two new trailers to get you ready for your season 9 placement games.


New League's champion - Sylas: The Unshackled

Sylas looks like a bruiser who can also fill a role of a tank.