As every year, Blizzard is hosting a Lunar New Year event in their first-person shooter game Overwatch. Titled the ‘Year of the Pig”, the new event will run for 3 weeks from January 24th to February 18. As with all the events within the game, there will be a ton of new cosmetics available for acquisition.

So far, only a handful of skins have been announced. However, all of the posts on Twitter depict Overwatch heroes in the traditional Chinese military gear. So far, Blizzard has announced skins for Hanzo, Reinhardt, Reaper, and Torbjörn.

overwatch hero Hanzo new skin
overwatch hero
overwatch hero new skin
overwatch hero new skin

Interestingly enough, the latest announcement of Torbjörn skin on Twitter was accompanied by a small info bit which might as well be a spoiler about the return of fan-favourite Capture the Flag mode – “Protect the flag with your trust turret at Zhang Fei Torbjörn.”

As with all annual events in Overwatch, during the upcoming month players can also expect to earn rewards from previous Lunar New Year events.