Last week we shared our thoughts about what Blizzard might be preparing to reveal in its annual BlizzCon 2019 event. You can read through the list here. This weekend, one of these rumors was seemingly confirmed by ESPN site which acquired some documents detailing the future of Overwatch. Overwatch 2 is real and it brings new game modes, maps, and a new hero.

According to the leak, Overwatch 2 probably won’t be an entirely new game and instead will be a huge overhaul of the original title similar to the one which shook the world of Fortnite. The game will keep its original content but will feature a lot of new stuff including a visual overhaul which will make the graphical side of the game more up to date.

With Overwatch 2 reveal, fans of this hero shooter can also expect a new single-player campaign. The leak includes a new four-player PvE story mission set in a remade Rio de Janeiro map, which was introduced to the game last year with a special event. However, this PvE mission is rumored to be only one out of many similar challenges set across the full roster of game’s maps, so we’re expecting a full story campaign coming alongside with it.

In addition to PvE, PvP players also received some encouraging news. It appears that Blizzard is expanding Overwatch game modes pool with a brand new game mode called Push. This should extend the current list of Assault, Control, Escort and Hybrid game modes. While we don’t know the rules of Push, ESPN also claims that there’s a new Toronto map, designed for this new game mode.

Lastly, there’s a new hero named Echo. Fans of Overwatch have already seen it last year during the reveal of Ashe in an animated short called Reunion. If the leak is true, Echo will be the first new hero of the new Overwatch chapter.

However, it’s not clear if Overwatch 2 will be an entirely new game sold separately or it will be some kind of free or paid DLC for the original title. The rebranding and the amount of content suggest that it’s more likely coming as a new game, however, we do expect some kind of original progress transition to keep the community happy.