Gaming news

Free PlayStation Plus games for March announced

Two games will be available for free starting March 5th.

Gaming news

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order should be revealed in April

EA has confirmed that the game is coming together spectacularly well and more details about it will be revealed very soon.

Gaming news

OVERKILL's The Walking Dead cancelled

The game is expected to be pulled from Steam real soon.

Gaming news

Resident Evil 2 remake shipped 4 million copies

Resident Evil franchise surpassed 90-million units milestone!

Gaming news

Overwatch's Baptiste is now playable on the PTR

Baptiste's tool kit definitely seems interesting and might indicate a sudden shift in the game's meta.

Gaming news

New Overwatch hero Baptiste revealed

As with all Overwatch hero reveals, the first glimpse of the character abilities will most likely be on PTR in the upcoming weeks.

Gaming news

PUBG and TERA crossover is coming in March

The two games share a deep history together.

Gaming news

BioWare has released Anthem's roadmap for 90 days

Anthem might be setting its path for redemption after a buggy launch.

Gaming news

Paradox Interactive will support its games' mods on Xbox One

Paradox Interactive has created a new platform called Paradox Mods which will make its way to Xbox One later this year.

Gaming news

Reggie Fils-Aime is retiring from Nintendo

We wish the best of luck for Regginator in his future affairs. We'll miss you from the bottom of our hearts!

Gaming news

Batman Arkham developer might be revealing its new game shortly

Internet detectives found a lot of new job listings on Rocksteady Studios' webpage.

Gaming news

Darkest Dungeon 2 announced

Darkest Dungeon 2 will enter Early Access on PC, before receiving final release across multiple platforms.

Gaming news

Negan and Julia will join Tekken 7 character roster

It's nice to see that even years after the release of the game, Bandai Namco is still supporting Tekken 7.

Gaming news

Apex Legends moderators already banned 16 000 accounts

Respawn Entertainment says that in-game reporting will be coming to Apex Legends soon.

Gaming news

Rainbow Six Siege details Year 4 changes

Fan reaction so far has been overwhelmingly positive and we can't wait to get our hands on the new Rainbow Six Siege content.