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Indivisible Steam Key GLOBAL

Indivisible Steam Key GLOBAL

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  • Visas pasaulisJungtinės Amerikos Valstijos yra tinkamas regionas aktyvacijai
  • Steam
    SteamAktyvuok/panaudok Steam
    Žvilgtelk į aktyvavimo vadovą
  • Aktyvavimo raktasTai skaitmeninė produkto versija (CD-KEY)Momentinis pristatymas
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux

Rekomenduojami atnaujinimai

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Patikrink visus pasiūlymus (2780)

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Įvertinimai: 3

Garso takelis
Įvertink dabar
    Išversta automatiškaiBūtent tai yra viena iš puikių šio žaidimo savybių – tai, kad galima rinktis iš tiek daug skirtingų personažų. Visuomet komandoje turėsime tik keturis,
    Išversta automatiškai„Indivisible“ yra vienas iš kūrybiškiausių pastarųjų metų RPG. Jame dera 2D platforma, sudėtinga kova ir sudėtinga istorija, be to, yra daugybė žaidžiamų personažų,
    Išversta automatiškaiGaila, kad studija dingo, nes „Indivisible“ buvo viena maloniausių staigmenų, kurią suteikė RPG žanras. Kartais jis gali kartotis,

Prekės aprašymas

Indivisible Steam key

Indivisible is an RPG platformer with wonderful combat and action sequences, all accompanied by a brilliant hand-drawn art. Buy Indivisible key and immerse yourself in a fantastic adventure that seamlessly blends the platform gameplay, action combat and RPG mechanics.

Unique design

Probably one of the aspects that make this game stand out is the art style. The character design and environment breathe life into the game – whether you jump around, climb walls or battle with the enemy, there is a certain vibrant tone that is not often found in games of a smaller scale. The plot is nothing entirely new: a young girl grew up in a peaceful household but due to disaster nothing is that simple.

Buy Indivisible key and help Ajna discover a power within her, and now it’s up to her to save the world. She’s able to gather a group of 20 characters to accompany her. While the store doesn’t aim to be ground-breaking, characters give the game its depth. Their designs are original and draw inspiration from different cultures and mythologies.

Indivisible combat

Despite being classified as a platformer, the game places great importance in their combat, very reminiscent of the Castlevania games. When you engage the enemy, you will be able to create a team of four – Ajna and three of her companions. Buy Indivisible key, gather possible friends and prepare for the challenge. There are several aspects to combat. One, it is action-based, where each character has a button designed to them, and that controls their attacks. Those attacks might have effects or combo effects, but that’s for you to discover!

The second element to combat is engagement. The game allows you to damage the enemy before the battle is even started, in some cases you might even kill the opponent without leaving the side-scrolling platform mode. There are also additional mechanics such as breaking the block or using ultimate abilities. So, buy Indivisible key and revel in this uniquely crafted game that blends plenty of elements from different games, and it does so seamlessly! If you want a brilliant title to sink your time to, and you are leaning towards innovative gameplay, grab Indivisible today!

Sistemos reikalavimai

Minimalūs sistemos reikalavimai

  • Sistemos reikalavimai
    Windows XP
  • Procesorius
    Dual-core CPU
  • Atmintis
    2 GB RAM
  • Grafika
    Intel HD3000
  • Talpa
    500 MB

Kita informacija

  • Kalbos
    • Anglų
    • Ispanų
    • Italų
    • Kinų
    • Korėjiečių
    • Portuguese - Brasil
    • Prancūzų
    • Rusų
    • Vokiečių
  • Išleidimo data
    2019 m. spalio 8 d.
  • Leidėjas
    505 Games
  • Kūrėjai
    Lab Zero Games
  • Tinkamas