Taxation and declaration of your income

If you sell goods that you no longer wish to keep, and these sales are occasional and carried out as part of the management of your private assets, this is not a professional activity. Therefore, you will not have to declare your sales and pay any taxes for them.

However, if your annual earnings on Eneba are more than €2000, or if you have made 30 or more transactions during the year, Eneba is legally obliged to declare this information to Lithuania's tax authorities - VMI (under EU Council Directive 2021/514).

Note that even if tax authorities have received information about your earnings, you do not necessarily have to pay income tax. However, in certain circumstances that may be the case. To understand when you're obliged to pay income or other taxes we strongly recommend contacting your local tax authorities.

Information sent to VMI includes user's:

  • Name & surname
  • Date of birth
  • Country of birth
  • Residential address
  • Tax identification number
  • Amount of your annual earnings on Eneba - to be generated by Eneba
  • Count of your annual sales on Eneba - to be generated by Eneba


When do I need to provide this information?

If you see that you'll most likely reach 30 annual sales or an amount of €2000, you can provide this information anytime here.

Otherwise, we will ask you to provide this information before making your 30th sale or a sale that would exceed €2000 annually. Your listings will be disabled temporarily and will become published as soon as you provide this information.

In case you don't make 30 sales or exceed €2000 in earnings over a year, providing this information is not necessary.

You can always track how many sales and earnings you made this year here.

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