Getting new loot has always been a huge attraction in video games, from RPGs to first-person shooters. Eventually, it even birthed a new genre called looter-shooter. There are many looter-shooter games varying from single-player to online multiplayer with new games coming out and looking to adopt games as a service model. But why are such games so popular?

What makes looter-shooter games so addictive?

The origins of looter-shooters could be traced back to the classic RPGs. You can’t progress in a game without better gear and this leveling up and getting a new gear system is the cornerstone of every RPG game. Looter-shooter games adopted the same philosophy offering players countless weapons and armor, one better than the previous. Simply put, it’s all about that bling.

Borderlands series is one of the most famous looter-shooter games.

Overcoming the challenge

But new loot is only half of the puzzle. Sure, you get a new shiny weapon with better stats but what do you do with it?

All games are designed around progression. With new gear, you are now powerful enough to take out that tough enemy that has been giving you trouble. With better loot, you’re bound to explore new areas you were getting killed before. Here you’ll most definitely acquire new, even better loot. The dopamine rush kicks in and the cycle begins anew.

But are looter-shooter games good?

Oh, but of course they are, and they are addictive. They’re best enjoyed in the burst of a couple of hours to avoid repetition, and in many cases, with a group of friends. Playing with friends adds the element of competition: who’ll end up with the best loot first? Fast-paced action, tons of loot, and tougher and tougher enemies to overcome, what’s not to like?

The Division 2 is a third-person looter-shooter game that takes place in the dystopian Washington.

What are the best looter-shooter games?

The Borderlands series has cemented itself in the pantheon of looter-shooter games. Risk of Rain 2 by many fans is titled a masterpiece, and Destiny 2 seems to get better and better with every new expansion released. There are a lot of looter-shooters on the market, you only have to find the right for you.

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