Hello and welcome to our best adventure games listing! The adventure genre has had quite a rollercoaster type of a go throughout the past decades and thankfully, it’s back on the uphill once more. In the early ‘80s and ‘90s, adventure genre games were incredibly popular due to their incredible hand-drawn details and scenes to which the older generation 2D games couldn’t compete even by a long-shot.

However, that changed once the 3D technology was presented and various other genres (mainly of RPG origin) started shooting up to fame, thus pushing the point-and-click pieces down from the top of the mountain on which they have been comfortably settling for a while. Best adventure games, until this day, have kept a lot of their old-school structure, but they also have brought certain modern-tech elements into the mix; they are quite easy to get the hang of due to simple controls, although simple controls can deceive you, as these games do have a lot of tricks that the less experienced player is unaware of.

Today, we are presenting three truly amazing pieces that either defined, changed, or have built upon the framework used to define the best adventure games all around. It’s important to note that by no means the three gems featured here are the only ones sharing the adventurer’s crown. These three titles are merely the representatives of hundreds other creative, innovative, immersive, and emotional pieces that are not the least bit less able to inspire, teach, and most importantly – provide a player with an unforgettable experience.

As always, all three below listed adventure games can be bought on our Eneba Store!

Best adventure games – The Secret of Monkey Island

This 1990 LucasArts released a piece has truly defined the adventure genre, and almost 20 years later, in 2009, because of the incredible fan outcry, the game was re-released for old as well as new audiences to re-experience! The new Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition features full HD graphics, re-mastered musical score, complete voiceovers and even hints (the original wasn’t of the most helpful kind). For the true fans of the series, the special edition offers a smooth and swift option to interchange between the two versions of the game seamlessly!

secret of monkey island

It’s one of the best adventure games to this day, and it’s no secret that even today, some of the newest adventure game releases are measured in accordance with this title. Why is that? The game portrays a complex and immersive story, with a gullible yet witty and all-around unconventional protagonist, who has an aspiration of becoming a great pirate, and thus must complete numerous challenges along the way. The game carries a thick layer of humour, lively and incredibly awesome characters, and a narrative that doesn’t force you to be too serious about anything. Rarely can a game achieve such laidback joyous feel.

Best adventure games – The Walking Dead: Series 1

As far as our listing goes, we consider The Walking Dead: Series 1 as a definite inclusion. The Secret of Monkey Island may have had the genre rules written, but this Telltale Games developed title has completely rewritten the rulebook. The beloved Walking Dead comic is brought to digital life with this one, and a rare adventure game can achieve what this piece has: this game has put weight on every single decision that you make. Everything matters, nothing is forgotten, nothing can stay hidden and at the end of it all – what you’ve done is what you’ll receive. Karma at its finest.

walking dead

Best adventure games do not necessarily have to end with a single title, and The Walking Dead: Series proves it. There’re four seasons to the adventure, each season has numerous episodes to it, and ever since the very first episode Telltale Games are on fire. Their every release surprises the fans of the series with new, innovative mechanics, narrative twists, and unconventional circumstances prompting you to move onwards. All in all, we highly recommend this immersive adventure game! it’s in our best adventure games listing for a reason: it’s simply worth it.

Best adventure games – Life is Strange

As we proposed before, The Walking Dead: Series rewrote the adventure genre rulebook, whilst the Dontnod Entertainment developers have read upon it thoroughly and so, Life Is Strange has risen. We’ve included this piece because it’s a forever standing reminder: if someone has done it and succeeded, that doesn’t mean you can’t do the same thing, yet in entirely your own way! Life Is Strange basically out Tell-taled Telltale. The game has even more detrimental choices as well as a more sinister approach to the whole ordeal, and the best of it all, the game offers an entirely original plot, that is as immersive as it gets.

life is strange

Best adventure games can offer a lot of innovative solutions and mechanics, Life Is Strange for example, offers an ability to rewind time, and thus, redo any action that has been taken. However, this is where the sinister side of the game comes to a being. Whenever you choose to rewind time, think very carefully as the game provides multiple choices that may turn up being good in the short-term, however eventually will turn worse than anyone could’ve anticipated.

Best adventure games come in many shapes and forms, this one is a dramatic tale at its finest, and it’s truly at its finest when at certain segments of the game you lose upon your ‘special power’ and are forced to make your decisions without the extra shenanigans. Only then do you understand the true importance and power of words and actions in the unchangeable present moment! The game, without a doubt, is exceptional at what it had managed to portray, and it’s an honourable recommendation to anyone searching for something original, captivating, and slightly more deviant than that of the considered norm.