Shantae and the Seven Sirens XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES

Shantae and the Seven Sirens XBOX LIVE Key UNITED STATES

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  • Stany ZjednoczoneMoże być aktywowany w Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki
  • Xbox Live
    Xbox LiveAktywuj/zrealizuj na Xbox Live
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  • Klucz cyfrowyTo jest cyfrowa wersja produktu (CD-KEY)Natychmiastowa dostawa
Działa na:
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X
Ważna uwaga:
  • No expiration date. The product works ONLY in countries that have XBOX LIVE service available: . Make sure that your account and IP is LOCATED in one of the supported countries!

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    Opis produktu

    Shantae and the Seven Sirens

    Formerly referred to as Shantae 5, Shantae and the Seven Sirens sends the belly-dancing, hair-whipping, half-genie hero to a tropical island where Shantae and her friends encounter other Half-Genie allies, but they soon learn there’s trouble in paradise. As Shantae gets caught up in the island’s sinister secrets, she’ll use all-new dance abilities and instant-transformation Fusion Magic to explore the nonlinear, interconnected world where she’ll visit multiple towns, overcome treacherous labyrinths, and battle dastardly bosses. The game also features a new collectible card system that grants players the freedom to augment Shantae’s powers to suit their own style of play. Key Features: - Explore an interconnected world using new Fusion Magic creature transformations, including a newt and other aquatic forms! - 4K-resolution hand-painted visuals (on 4K devices only)! - All-new characters and returning favorites like Rottytops, Sky, Bolo, and the nefarious Risky Boots! - Collect and power up with monster cards! - Enjoy minigames, acquire magic and items, and uncover secrets! - Gorgeously animated TV-style cutscenes!

    Pozostałe szczegóły

    • Języki
      • Angielski
    • Data wydania
      28 maja 2020
    • Wydawca
    • Deweloperzy
      WayForward Technologies Inc.