If you’ve been playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare lately you might already know that this week marks the start of the long-awaited Season 2. The developer behind the game finally unveiled the details about the future of the game and shared a new roadmap of things to come including new maps, new game modes, operators and weapons.
The official start of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 is set for today, so the developer of the game decided to finally share some official details. According to Infinity Ward, the game will get 4 new maps on day one. Among the new additions, there are two huge multiplayer maps – fan-favorite Rust and Atlas Superstore. There’s also a new ground war map called Zhukov Boneyard and finally a new Gunfight map Bazaar.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 will kick off with two new multiplayer modes: Gunfight tournament is back in its full glory! In addition, there’s a new CDL Playlist where the community will be able to play by the official ruleset of Call of Duty League. This means that all in-game settings and weapons will be altered to reflect the competitive scene of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.
Lastly, players will be able to try out the new game operator – Simon “Ghost” Riley and two new weapons – Grau 5.56 and Striker 45.
However, that’s only the beginning. In the coming months, Infinity Ward said that there will be more content added to the game. The future holds two more operators – Talon and Mace, another big map called Khandor Hideout, more game modes and weapons. You will be able to earn all of these and more rewards by purchasing a new Battle Pass. It will cost you 1000 Call of Duty points.
With all of this in mind, it’s the best time to jump into the action. If you’ve never played Call of Duty: Modern Warfare before, be sure to check out our price for the title. We also have some additional in-game purchases and timesavers for you to choose from.