Game news

Marvel's Loki joins Fortnite

Loki is joining the battlefields in Fortnite.

Game news

Marvel's Avengers will debut on next-gen consoles in March

The next-gen version will land in one month, on March 18th.

Game news

Marvel's Avengers will add Spider-Man as PlayStation exclusive hero

PlayStation will be getting some exclusive content.

Game news

Marvel's Avengers beta dates announced

PlayStation 4 players will be able to get in sooner.


Uncharted movie lost another director

We're pretty sure that the delay will be announced very soon.


Uncharted movie lost another director

The production of the picture is set to begin in early 2020.

Game news

5 biggest news from Square Enix E3 conference

Square Enix hosted its second-ever E3 press conference.

Free to play

Fortnite X Avengers: Endgame is revealed

This time Fortnite players will be split into two teams in an epic Endgame battle.

Game news

Stan Lee appears in World of Warcraft cameo

This isn't the first time Blizzard has paid a tribute to a celebrity that has passed away.

Game news

Second Dinner secures Marvel license for their first game

Ex-Hearthstone developers opened up a new studio and secured Marvel license.