The long-awaited Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date is upon us and we have some questions gnawing at us, but let’s begin with the introduction of the trilogy for those unfamiliar with the iconic series. 8 years ago, BioWare and Electronic Arts concluded a trilogy that embodies everything an RPG genre can offer and caters to every player’s needs. The popularity of the Mass Effect games echoes throughout the gaming community even years later. Now, with the Mass Effect remake, what can we expect? Die-hard fans and curious newcomers, tag along.

Many claim that the Mass Effect trilogy defined the RPG genre as we know it today, BioWare’s approach to the narrative and open-world design fundamentally engages players in all possible aspects. From the interactive environment of the vast space to the masterfully crafted narrative that shifts and bends to your will. During these 8 years, technologies have advanced remarkably, so the Mass Effect Legendary Edition release is worth celebrating for the renewed graphics among other things that arrive with this nifty package.

Is Mass Effect Legendary Edition worth it?

This question concerns new players and veteran enthusiasts of the trilogy alike. Legendary Edition delivers a full-fledged Mass Effect remake without alternating the store in any significant manner, so it’s a win-win option. Mass Effect games are not your regular soap opera: a game that defined a genre would not boast the title of the greatest games to affect the gaming history for no reason. And the fact that you can experience this unique adventure in optimized graphics and what-not is a huge yes. Since there aren’t supposed to be any major changes in terms of characters or narrative possibilities, there is no reason to go over the original titles. Mass Effect trilogy remaster has everything you need and ample more.

As for the veterans, the question arises as well. We think that returning to the optimized world of Mass Effect in the nostalgic year of 2183 is more than worth it. The way games coming out in 2021 look and function, we can expect an out-of-this-world Mass Effect remastered experience to blow up all the nostalgic feelings in the highest resolution and fastest frame rate the series ever supported. Although Mass Effect: Andromeda left the fanbase upset with the conclusion to the critically-acclaimed narrative, the release of Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PC) might just be EA’s redemption regarding the series. 

Will Mass Effect Legendary Edition have enhanced graphics?

The grandest attraction of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition release is the enhanced graphics. And we mean that BioWare went to great lengths in optimizing the technical details and overall visual experience of Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 respectively. The 4K Ultra HD optimization encompasses all of these:

  • HDR technology
  • Enhanced models
  • Enhanced textures
  • Higher resolution
  • Added depth of field
  • Newer lighting models
  • Improved particle effects
  • Faster frame rates
  • Enhanced GUI elements
  • Next-gen compatibility

These and other minor enhancements upgrade the overall visual experience of all three Mass Effect games, and of course, improve the immersion with the feeling of realism in this space odyssey franchise. Imagine your first trip to Normandy is HD resolution with the world around you shimmering with details. Phenomenal, isn’t it? BioWare seems confident in the quality they’re delivering with the Mass Effect Legendary Edition pack, so it’s only fair we expect top-notch quality in terms of visuals and performance.

The Mass Effect Legendary trilogy runs on Unreal Engine 3, the same as the original games. There is rational reasoning behind the decision to keep the same engine – BioWare would have had to remake the entire engine costs additional money and time. Instead, the studio put great effort into implementing enhancements and make them work with the engine smoothly. So rest assured, the limits of the Unreal Engine 3 have been pushed to its boundaries if not beyond. Gamers will get to see improved textures of characters’ skins and uniforms even, not to mention a far more detailed world, creatures, armors, vehicles, and guns. And of course, smoother and upgraded animations and cutscenes. Remarkably optimized Mass Effect games add muscle to the already genre-defining franchise.

What does Mass Effect Legendary Edition have?

The contents of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition don’t seem to disappoint either. Although the anticipated Mass Effect new game isn’t happening, this edition offers a generous package. Mass Effect Legendary Edition price falters before its worth as gamers will receive:

  • Original Mass Effect trilogy remastered for 4K Ultra HD
  • Over 40 single-player story DLCs
  • Promotional weapons, armors, and packs

The Legendary trilogy is supported on Xbox One, Xbox Series X | S, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5, the next-gen experience with all the 4K HD enhancements should be out of this world (just like Mass Effect games). Meanwhile, Mass Effect Legendary Edition (PC) boasts a 60fps speed and 21:9 display, among other awesome technical details. Whether you’ve never tried out any of the Mass Effect games or are a devoted enthusiast, it’s absolutely worth delving into hundreds of hours’ worth of gameplay in the world of Mass Effect remake. The Mass Effect Legendary Edition is not the only gem in this franchise worthy of its legacy – check out the Mass Effect games collection for a full-fledged dive into this space opera!

If you want to embark on a space odyssey that shaped the RPG genre in 4K Ultra HD, then buy Mass Effect Legendary Edition cheaper and join millions of other enthusiasts of the franchise!